I sit here this morning with my shit completely flipped. Partially because Frankie Sharp and the DJ Bearded Lady had me dancing until security dragged my ass out of the Transfer last night (and i haven't had my fucking coffee) but mostly because The Guardian released it's annual list of influential San Francisco Queers. and who should be topping that list but the Brothers Herrera, and HomoChic. The piece is brief, but very sexy.
"Yes, they're gay brothers, which is, like, totally hot. But even if they weren't related, their individual artistic creations would have us on the hook. Heads of HomoChic (www.homochic.com), the new gay mafia collective that combines gallery shows, fashion design, and nightlife craziness into mind boggling events, they're inspiring the latest generation to revel in its scandalous past. Leo's photography mixes porn with historical reference to dizzying, stimulating effect. Allan's costuming and styling brings bathhouse and backroom gay culture to light. Currently the Chihuahua, Mexico-born siblings have pieces in the queer Latino "Maria" show at GalerĂa De La Raza. Leo features pants-raising boy-pics and a video installation centered on Harvey Milk. Allan, whose Money Shots underwear line graces many an alternaqueer's backside, displays a chandelier made of 2,000 pink condoms."
If you know Leo and Allan then you know they are the hardest working men in all of Faggotry. They both some how manage to bring the cows home just about every night and still manage to be completely on top of their shit at all times. I am immensely proud of them both, and i can't think of anyone more deserving... except perhaps tireless AIDS crusader (and personal friend) Hunter Hargraves, and he is featured too! Both for his work as head of Stop AIDS and for his DJing and Drag Performances. Clearly i am lucky to have such friends and if i wasn't so fucking hungover i'd inflate their egos for another few paragraphs (they deserve it) but instead i think i'm gonna grab a quick role in the hay with my boyfriend before work.
See you kids at the Bubble Lounge Tonight.
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