Fuck, kids. It's only tuesday morning and pride week is already kicking my ass. Last night of cource was (the possibly last ever) MoneyShot Mondays @ Jet. Wherein I participated in the (100 dollar prized) 'Hairiest Bush Contest.' Sadly i didn't win. Before that i spent most of the afternoon playing pornographer for two of the dead-sexiest boys i know. They are starting a naked hose cleaning service and they needed sexy pics for their website... i am very lucky.
But you good folks don't want to hear about my wacky miss-adventures. You all would like to know all the best places to sow those wild oats this week. So here it is: your official HomoChic San Francisco Pride Agenda:
We start the festivities tonight @ seven @ A Different Light Bookstore in the Castro where the indomitable Brontez of Gravy Train fame will be reading from the new issue of his hypersexy zine, Fag School.
After that head over to the Transfer @ Church and Market for Chilidog, where i will attempt not to drink myself stupid. (wish me luck!)
Wednesday from 7-9 is the IDA benefit @ the Bubble Lounge up in North Beach. (i'd link to their website but it hasn't been updated since Al Gore invented the Internet. Boylesque will be performing and that is a show that is always worth seeing. there might be an orgy or something afterwards. not sure yet.
Thursday is the only day all week i get to sleep.
Things really get rolling Friday night with Sweet Beast
(which has in my opinion the best fucking flier all year)
and then get your ass over to the Burning Marys Burning Man fund raiser party.
Half price w/ costums (underwear counts as a costume!) drinks all night, sexy beats, sexy boys, sexy fun.
Pink Saturday will find you at Afterglow where all the boys you were grinding up against @ Mary will be giving you head.
And sunday after the parade and the festival you simply MUST go to Juanita More's Pool Party at the Phoenix Hotel. It's a San Francisco tradition.
I'm gonna go take a nap before work.
clearly i will need my rest.
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