Pay attention kids, there is a lot going on this week and my roommates are cooking what smells like a ridiculously awesome breakfast. I'm not going to have time to repeat myself, so you had better get a pen and papper.
Go on, I'll wait.
Monday night (tonight!) brings the return of Stanley Frank's awesome weekly, Viennetta, to Underground SF. Viennetta has great music, $3 whiskeys, and cute effing boys. Get into it.
For all of us literary homosexuals, BJ Dini and co. have put together a book club who's first meeting will be tomorrow (Tuesday) at MCVF. The book is Our Lady of The Flowers (which i haven't read, but i'm going to the book club anyway. try and stop me.) one of the most erotic books ever written.
Wednesday i'm proud to announce the premire of OH! A monthly party for the dirty gentleman. Brought to you by the Bright Young Gentleman's Adventuring Society, the second Wednesday of every month at the Power House. There will be drink specials, dirty beats, and go go boys of questionable morality. I couldn't be more effing excited.
SOME THING is on Friday night at the Stud, and if you haven't been to the weekly yet you are seriously missing out. VivvyAnne ForeverMore and her crew BRING IT every week. There seriously isn't better drag happening anywhere in the city. It is quickly becoming the place to meet up with your friends and see an amazing show, every effing week.
I'm off to stuff my face.
I'm off to stuff my face.
1 comment:
Thanks for the tips! Will try to come by Viennetta tonight after The Muppet Movie. (A critical omission in your guide to the week's cultural offerings in my humble opinion.) :p
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